Located in Chavin de Huantar, Ancash. Chavin was developed in the rivers "Huacheksa and Mosna", is consider World Heritage. The ancient inhabitants of the area were great craftsmen, farmers, and astronomers.
Old Temple:
The oldest pyramid is called the Old Temple (850 BC) and housed inside the main oracle of the time: "God Smiling," represented in the sculpture called Monolithic Lanzon. At the Old Temple which together form 3 pyramids from the air and form a letter "U". Each of the parts that make up the Old Temple had a role in the ceremonies held there.
Old Temple
New Temple:
The Central New Temple Pyramid is cube-shaped and has stone walls. Foursquare Sunken Plaza, across from the main pyramid, keep an exact alignment with the cover of the New Temple.
New Temple
The "Lanzon Monolitico":
In the Old Temple, the most important is "Lanzón Gallery", where the idol called "Monolithic Lanzon," one of the main icons for Chavín. This stone is carved the image of God in the world below, also called the "Smiling God" responsible for the fertility of the land and the seasons.
Estela Raimondi:
The character represented in the Estela Raimondi is the same as the "Lanzón monolítico" an anthropomorphic divinity, standing, front view, with open arms, holding in each hand, a kind of staffs.
Obelisco Tello:
The "Obelisco Tello" is another major art sculptures representative of the culture it represents a metaphor for the universe as understood by the Chavin. It was discovered by Julio C.Tello
Cabezas Clavas:
They were used to scare the society, they surrounded the New Temple. They represent human heads but with attributes of different gods in that time.
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