The story goes that the God Inti had a beautiful daughter, Princess Huandi, Inti the God his father had in mind to marry her with a God of beauty, but love of the princess belonged toanother person, a young mortal named Huascar. When Godheard this Inti not happy Huascar asked to leave but he refused, for the love of both was stronger every day, the father, Inti, unable to do anything, angry and decided he vowed never to cursegoing to be together so condemned to live forever with a penaltyaway which meant that they are each in each snow mountainface to face and thus never touching, moving the two loverstragedy mourn his misfortune joining dropwise their cries thusformed lagoon Llanganuco which means the union of their cries.So much so that these two glaciers are called by HuascarHuascaran and Huandoy by Princess Huandi.
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